Common States of Being for the Eating Disordered Individual:
-Low self-esteem
-Diminished self-worth
-Belief in the thinness myth
-Need for distraction
-Dichotomous (black or white) thinking
-Feelings of emptiness
-Quest for perfection
-Desire to be special/unique
-Need to be in control
-Need for power
-Desire for respect and admiration
-Difficulty expressing feelings
-Need for escape or a safe place to go
-Lack of coping skills
-Lack of trust in self and others
-Terrified of not measuring up
All forms of abuse are types of rejection. During the abuse, the body is used, while the
spirit and soul of the victim are being rejected and devalued.
The resulting feelings of shame, blame and guilt are lies that must be dealt with so that
healing can come and wholeness can be restored.
The only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the actions
of others.